Paitu Ponderings

Matariki teaching resources

Matariki teaching resources

Here are some teaching resources for Matariki to deepen learning for tamariki (children), kaiako (teachers), and whanau (family)...

Matariki celebration ideas

Matariki celebration ideas

Are you looking for Matariki Celebration Ideas? Here are some Matariki celebration ideas to do with tamariki and whanau.Matariki...

Maramataka for schools

Maramataka for schools

What is the Maramataka? Many schools and ECE's in NZ are taking interest in the Maramataka, the Māori lunar calendar.  ...


Maori Language Week activities for kids

Maori Language Week activities for kids

Looking for some Wiki o te reo Māori / Māori language week activities for kids? These activities are designed for tamariki, making them great in the school classroom, ECE, or homeschool setting. They would also be wonderful resources for Maori Language Week activities...

Acts of love: Remembering loved ones at Matariki

Acts of love: Remembering loved ones at Matariki

Remembering loved ones at Matariki Special dates and times of celebration can prove to be particularly challenging when we have said goodbye to, or are grieving, loved ones who have passed. Acknowledging them and remembering them at the time of Matariki can be...

Matariki Activities and Crafts for kids

Matariki Activities and Crafts for kids

Looking for some Matariki activities and crafts for kids? These activities are designed for tamariki, making them great in the school classroom, ECE, or homeschool setting. They would also be wonderful resource for Matariki celebrations in the library, in a community...

Matariki teaching resources

Matariki teaching resources

Here are some teaching resources for Matariki to deepen learning for tamariki (children), kaiako (teachers), and whanau (family) in the classroom, ece, or homeschool setting. We embrace this opportunity to learn of te Ao Māori at any time, and during Matariki learning...

Matariki celebration ideas

Matariki celebration ideas

Are you looking for Matariki Celebration Ideas? Here are some Matariki celebration ideas to do with tamariki and whanau.Matariki is more than a public holiday - to celebrate Matariki as a season brings richness, festivity and connection to this winter time.From...

Maramataka for schools

Maramataka for schools

What is the Maramataka? Many schools and ECE's in NZ are taking interest in the Maramataka, the Māori lunar calendar.   Maramataka translates to the turning of the moon. It observes the phases of marama (the moon) within in a lunar month. This is how days and...

Tōtara berries edible delight!

Tōtara berries edible delight!

February is when the Tōtara fruits where I live. Tōtara berries edible delight! I hold this tree in high regard, what an amazing tree!   Considered a rakau rangitira, a chiefly tree by Māori, Tōtara’s timber was traditionally used for building, carving, tools and...

Printable planner: What moon phase is best for planning?

Printable planner: What moon phase is best for planning?

Printable planner: What moon phase is best for planning? The new moon has passed, and the lunar energy is rising. Gardeners know this waxing phase is the best moon phase to sow seeds - these could be for the garden; or the seeds we sow in our life, what would we like...

Summer Solstice celebration ideas

Summer Solstice celebration ideas

Looking for family Summer Solstice Celebration ideas and inspiration? The light is longer, the days are warming. The sun is rising more toward the East, small tohu (signs) have been marking a shift in the seasons. Today the Summer Solstice is here, the sun is in the...

Advent calendar activities

Advent calendar activities

Printable advent calendar activities. Nanny gave the kids this strung-stocking advent calendar a few years back. What I love is the idea of having little note inside each stocking, inviting us to do something special, connecting together each day through the month....